Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Assignment 2-2 Icon Analysis

Assignment 2-2 Icon Analysis

Three Pop Culture Icons-Character flaws.

Photo Source: Zimbio.com



I chose to analyze President William Jefferson Clinton, President George Walker Bush and President Barrack Hussein Obama as my three pop culture icons. I chose these three pop culture icons to illustrate their greatest achievements and their most fatal character flaws. 


       First, when you think of William, "Bill Clinton," I think of a President who ran the country well in a time of budgetary surplus. I like to charcterize the Clinton years as being surrounded by two recessions that began and ended in the Bushes."The United States treasury had money in the bank so to speak. President Clinton's greatest achievements are many, but one character flaw came through during his time as President. I'm sure if you were paying attention in the 90's you heard, "I did not have sex with that woman!" Bill Clinton spoke these words meaning that he did not sleep with Monica Lewinski; a then Whitehouse Intern. I remember a video clip being play over and over for almost two years http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qgn2g4NKhZY&feature=related.


Amazingly enough, President Clinton's management of the U.S, government; was not terribly interceded by this Whitehouse affair with Monica Lewinsky. Later it was determined that a blue dress tested positive for the Presidents DNA. Hence the phrase, "Devil in the Blue Dress!" or the, "Devil is in the details!" came to be synonymous with this nationally televised Presidential affair.


Second, remember the election of President George Walker Bush!? How could we forget. President Bush's greatest accomplishment in my view was his handling of the September 11, 2001 event. Who would have thought shortly after taking office while he was speaking to group of elementary students that he would be told that, "America was under attack. "I remember kept his composure and continued to speak to the students until he could make an exit. The day that followed this September 11, 2002 event changed us forever. 

           We as a nation became polarized in niceness and fear since we did not know who attacked us. I remember for about three or four months, the America people seemed to be cautious, yet nicer to one another. Driving down the road people let you merge into your lane without being angry or flipping you the bird. People opened doors and wore a yellow ribbon or other patriotic symbols. We were all glued to the television waiting for the next,"shock," and "awe," images of Bagdad, Iraq being bombed. I remember that constant statements about WMA"S that Saddam Hussein had in his possession were the threat to America. To date, there were not any weapons of mass destruction found by U.N. inspectors to any degree of threat. 

             Then, on May 1, 2003 President Bush gave a speech with a banner hanging over his head stating, "Mission Accomplished!" which was taken to mean we have won the war against Saddam Hussein and the terrorist in Iraq by Americans. A CBS article has President Bush quoted as saying to the assembled audience and the world, "Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/05/01/iraq/main4060963.shtml

           Today, we are still engaged in Iraq but are told that we are moving out of Iraq as an occupier of thei country since the Iraqi government and its military can manage themselves. However, the new front of our extended Iraq war has avalanched into Pakistan and Afghanistan where supposedly, these mysterious terrorist have now found safe havens and protection. 

  So we are off to relocate our troops to these, "New frontier's!","To boldly go where terrorist have gone before!", "To search out new wars and new politics!" To take us there, we have been blessed with the unique leadership found in President Barrack Obama.

          Third, I chose President Barrack Hussein Obama since we have not seen his character flaw as our President. I wish the best for Barrack, the country, his family and the world. President Obama has done an outstanding job of managing our derailed country. Barrack's Republican predecessors have gifted his administration with two wars, a depression, and the chance to not only say, "Yes We Can!," but to actually do it! I hope Barrack's administration can achieve the same surpluses as did Bill Clinton. I know its view as impossible by many but but so has every other recessionor depression. 

       Somehow no matter how much doom and gloom is painted in the media; America has recovered time and time again. Also, no matter what President Obama's future character flaw may be; he will definitely be afforded a liberal amount of forgiveness by his critics, if there be any critics left standing! http://www.stanforddaily.com/cgi-bin/?p=1086.

  In closing, time tells all. Every human being has their shortcomings. I hope we can all continue to forgive but never forget 9/11, never allow out of control spending, never allow our global responsibilities to be diminished, never to allow huge gaps between rich and poor, millions of uninsured, never allow, never to allow pollution, famine, and disease and greed to run unchecked, never allow corruption to fester in our connected political landscapes and to never allow a blank check to be given an individual, failed corporation or foreign country ever again! 


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