Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Assignment 2-1 Weekly Analysis - 'Earth 2100 The Final Century of Civilization

Copyright © 2009 ABC News Internet Ventures

I watched the new show called ‘Earth 2100: The Final Century of Civilization hosted by Bob Woodward last night on ABC news at 9:00 P.M. The story line of the show depicted life for a young girl named Lucy growing up a global crisis. The global events were subtle in Lucy’s life as they lived in a suburban housing subdivision with plenty of comfort food and water at first. Then it became apparent that there was a shortage of water and gasoline in their region so they packed up and moved to an apartment in Miami where there was still food and gas. America’s thirst and appetite to use and consume our natural resources had reached an end. The planet was about to answer our endless appetite to consume and not preserve with, “No more!” by year 2020.

Due to another shortage, gasoline was no longer available. Riots broke out. Weather patterns changed, bird migrated earlier and earlier to areas that were farther north than previous years. Soon the climate had changed with violent wind storms, rising ocean levels and tidal waves formed and came towards all costal town along the major eastern and western seaboards. Major evacuations occurred. People by the millions, were fleeing to shelter to other cities that still had power, water food, shelter and medical care facilities. These migrations caused a strain upon the civilized systems of these newly populated areas. People became restless. Diseases began to fester and show up in millions of people. The diseases were transmitted around the globe to further destroy human life in other countries as well. Massive death occurred and bodies piled up in the streets as plagues and pestillence engulfed plant and human life.

Next, a world governmental summit was called among all nations to put together a survival plan. Upon conclusion, no solutions were met with success by our world’s leaders. Instead, each country chose to covet their resources and began to put up armaments to keep their own people from destroying and pillaging

much need survival rations and medical supplies.  Suddenly, in America all power, internet and communications ceased to exists. This blackout was going to permanent. There were not any people left to govern and no resources to fuel our fossil fuel based power systems and machines. Industry stopped. Productivity stopped. Anarchy raged across America and the rest of the globe as billions of people died due to diseases, famine, in-fighting and civil unrest.

         This depiction of events as told by the story could really happen or it could be averted. The only way our world can avert such a hellish end; is if we as a globe change our entire energy policy and invest into green sources. The globe leadership and people need to invest into more widespread solar, wind, geothermal, hydro-electric and nuclear sources instead of fossil fuel based systems. America like all nations upon the Earth need to invest collectively into the long term environmentally, “go green” policies in order to save our children’s future from a life of poverty, famine, disease, and widespread death.

                In summary, the show was an eye opener as the events depicted were supported by many creditable, scholarly scientist and global leaders. The show presented both realities for mankind. One reality brings the human race from a population of nine billion down to two billion by 2050. The advanced world we knew goes back to living in the dark ages. People have to re-learn how to live of the land and seas.

In contrast, the show depicts a world in which our energy policies were met by World Summit leaders where all agreed to share knowledge and resources to embrace global needs. The world rebuilt its energy grids based upon clean and green guideline and people thrived. People shared transportation and mass transit was perfected across the globe. 

New areas of land to be developed, were only done so, if the infrastructure were environmentally sound and supported the growth plans to start building or renovations. All communities had ample water reclamation faculties with clean and green self sustaining energy sources. Every bit of waste was able to be recycled back into another form of product that was again biodegradable. Life was sustainable on our planet in this scenario for generations to come. People share and protected their stewardship rights of mother Earth and fought together against anything that threatened her or the privileged to take care of her.


ABC News. (June 2, 2009).Earth 2100: the final century of civilization retrieved June 2, 2009 from  id=7697237


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