Sunday, May 24, 2009

Assignment 1-4

Pop Culture of Barack Obama

Image Source: Google Images, 2009)

President Barrack Obama is a pop culture icon. I find President, “Barry,” Obama to be a fascinating person who understands the future needs of mainstream America. I credit Barack Obama and his family for breaking the mold in political stereotypes forever. Upon reading an online biography at,  of President Obama; I am reminded of just how significant he is as pop culture icon. I find President Obama to be a genuine down to earth person, who is in touch with people needs. Barack is also a lawyer with a degree in political science but deserves an honorary master’s degree as a pop culture icon for being such a winning yet non-traditional leader. I believe so many people have a renewed interest in the political process because of by Barrack’s living example; that exclaims anyone can be President of the United States without being a career politician! President Obama’s story is so refreshingly opposite to that of a typical Washington bureaucrat in so many ways.

            First, Barack Obama spent two years in the United States senate prior to running for the office of the president. Once Barrack became the President, all notions that he lacked experience to run the country were null and void. America spoke loudly, as we did not want an experienced politician in the Whitehouse at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., this time round’. I feel that since he did not have extensive experience in Washington politics; this gave him a clear advantage in America’s eyes. I believe a career, “Washington,” politician is somewhat shaped by the business as usual, tired political dogma that was responsible for so many broken promises by our past republican leadership’s base.

            Second, President Obama’s victory has sparked inspiration in America’s youth who contributing largely to his campaign funding and votes. I believe his victory marked a new era in presidential leadership. This new era of presidential leadership in not just one that says, “Yes We Can!” but one that says, “Yes you can be president too!” Yes we can all see that since Barrack became president that anyone can with the right desire and willingness to fight the good fight. The inspiration he has aroused is one that marks a cornerstone in America politics and around the world. Our world leaders have gained a renewed sense in American politics with a leader that does listen to new ideas from across the aisle and the world.

            Third, President Obama has revolutionized how everyday Americans can be involved in the political process of today. The previous Bush administration had a closed forum in accessing our leaders. In other words it seemed you had to be a “Washington insider,” to be heard or to be counted as an important voice. President Obama’s changed how we communicate by creating an open internet dialogue between America and the Whitehouse. He did this by way of various public departmental websites like, “Open Government Initiative,” and daily informative Youtube news videos. I have been communicating with the Whitehouse leaders by emailing my thoughts and views about public policy of foreign relations, taxes, healthcare reforms, agriculture, and business issues. I have received excellent responses. Please visit  to give our leaders your views and opinions of our countries needs.  I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

            Finally, I hope you can add some positive comments about President Obama and what his leadership means to you and for Americas future. I could go on about other popular culture trend he has paved the way for but that’s where you come in by visiting my blog at to post your comments today!


References (2009) In Bio true story. Retrieved May 24, 2009, from

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