Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Breakfast Club - Pop-Culture movie by John Hughes in 1985

Assignment 1-2 MAy 24th 2009

The popular 1985 movie, "The Breakfast Club," by John Hughes gave me a timeless memory and an example of a enjoyable pop-culture movie artifact. I grew up in the eighties and still see some of the pop culture trends in this movie to be relevant in our current pop-culture of 2009. 

Pop culture as defined by the text, "Profiles of Popular Culture - A Reader says as, "Popular culture is the system of attitudes, behaviors’ and beliefs, customs, and tastes, that 


define the people of any society. It is entertainment, diversions, icons, rituals and actions that shape everyday world (Brown, B., & Browne, P., 2005). However, popular culture to me is, "A light vegetarian stew with all the mainstream societal trends of music, news, religion, art, movies, politics, and industry. Pop culture reflects some ingredients introduced by globalization such as other cultures customs, language, music, attitudes and ways of life. 

America's pop culture has been globalized though cultural trends as introduced from all over the world into people's everyday lives. American pop-culture is cross pollinated into other regions, nations, countries, cities and towns through venues of mass media, internet, television, tourism, religion, and industry, government, and current government policies. 

 I chose my popular culture artifact as a movie since this particular movie illustrates some attitudes, behaviors and stereotypes that will always be present somewhere in popular culture in the future. The Breakfast Club movie has a cast of characters that demonstrates certain typical youthful personalities. I connected with the movie because it seemed that each character in the movie was either someone like I knew in my high school days.

 To note, these stereotypes are known as, "The Princess," by actress Molly Ringwald, the "Crimina,"l by actor "Judd Nelson, the "Brain" by actor Anthony Michael Hall, the "Recluse," by actress Ally Sheedy, and the Jock, by actor Emelio Estevez in the movie, "Breakfast Club." The Princes (Molly Ringwald) plays a very sheltered and innocent girl, The Criminal is played by Judd Nelson who plays a rough housing neglected and rebellious character who does steal things, the Brain character played by Brian was tha school nerd or geek, the Recluse by Ally Sheedy keeps to her self and is very introverted and last the Jock of course; was the overconfident arrogant athlete that is living someone else’s dream to not his own in athletics.

 Do you remember yourself to be any of these personality types or people? Did you know anyone else that was like them in your pop culture high school days or today? Do you find these figures to be present in our everyday pop culture with some of the same attitudes, behaviors and tastes as the movie characters?

 Please watch the movie trailer and other famous clips at :

Once you have finished watching trailer and other related clips please share you views of how this 80's movie shared some of your pop culture views right here on

 Thanks for visiting!

Doug Huff





  1. The Breakfast Club was such a popular movie when I was a teenager and now my 13 year old daughter has discovered it! She loves both the movie and the music. That just goes to show you that what was popular when we were teenagers can be appreciated by our own kids. Most of the John Hughes movies were an extreme example of the things that teenagers were facing, from popularity to drug use. This really brought back some good memories.

  2. Dear Jennifer,

    Thank you for you comments. Some things are just timeless!

    Doug Huff
