Monday, June 22, 2009

Terminators, Transformers and Other Robots Assignment 5-1

Robots have found their place in our industries, homes and pop culture movies. The robotics scientists, dream of a day when robots will assist us in every way. We have seen the concept of self sufficient robot in movies such as, Blade Runner with Harrison Ford, I-Robot with Will Smith, Star Wars with Harrison Ford, the Terminator movie series with Arnold Swartzenneger, and the recently released Transformer movies. The movies are all classified as science fiction/adventure films. These films depict a world future view, where technology in and robotics have created a fatal conflict between humans and machines. The main theme of these movies revolves around the human struggle to survive by destroying robots or face being killed by one.

In addition, I have watched all of these movies and find them to all have something to offer sci-fi adventurists. Harrison Ford’s Blade Runner movie, dealt with advanced humanoid robots that had definite servitude purpose to humans. These android robots struggled with the idea that they would expire upon their programmed end date. These robots would kill to survive. They seemed human even in their emotional desires to live.

Similarly, the I-Robot movie with actor Will Smith in a similar fashion depicts robots that reach a kind of human consciousness. They wished to live and began to kill the humans they were made to serve as well.

Next, the popular Star Wars films depicted many kinds or droids and robots. Most famously known androids were the human shaped android named C-3PO, and his loyal trash can looking sidekick R2-D2.

Next, were the Terminator movies by Arnold Swartzenneger. These movies depicted robots as advanced killing machines. These robots were called, “Terminators,” hence the name speaks for itself. These robots were created to terminate all humans and the human race.

Finally, the Transformer movies arrived in 2007 and 2009, after many years as animated cartoons. I used to watch the Transformers cartoons as kid thirty five years ago. These robots in the Transformer series were not really known to kill humans in the cartoons. However, when they arrived in a feature length movie; they began to kill thousands of humans on the big screen.

In summary, Hollywood producers have many negative views of technological advances when it comes to androids, robots and their future relationship to humans. Most of the intelligent machines in these movies are granted special human like attributes. Then, it seems they desire survival enough to kill off their human creators. People tend to have negative view of robots due to these depictions. Many Robots today are used for good like building cars, exploding bombs, underwater exploratory, space travel, and providing life saving surgical procedures. Eventually, we all may have a robot servant hanging around our homes. Who knows, the doctors are talking about nanobots. These nanobots are tiny microscopic robots that will travel through your body to repair it; so humans won’t go through expensive and evasive surgeries. In short, I don’t believe our future with robots is about being dominated by them; but using them as tools to help us live more efficiently.


Film site (2009) Robots in films. Retrieved, June 19, 2009 from

Sunday, June 14, 2009

4-1-Weekly Post Multiple Births? Is it really a good thing? Some say it is.

Weekly Post 4-1- Multiple Births? Is it really a good thing? Some say it is.

The world seems to watch people who have huge families on TV these days. Yes, I am talking about shows like I watched growing up called, “Eight is Enough,” “Brady Bunch,” “Partridge “Family,” and the “Walton’s.” I can still hear the words at bedtime, “Goodnight John boy, Goodnight Mary Ellen, in my memory.

Today, these shows are trumped by the new reality based shows like, “John and Kate plus Eights” or “Eighteen Kids and Counting,” and I left the controversial, “Octomom,” is out since no adoptive daddy or natural male parent, has stepped up to the challenge of assuming financial responsibility of the fourteen kids thanks to advancements in Invitro-fertilization.

In any event, I believe the big family television shows appeal to our human desires for greater security, support, love and strength that may come with bigger numbers. Who’s counting anyway! I find these shows as bewildering, since I see it a huge undertaking from multiple standpoints; to have more than four kids and provide them all with equal parenting time and resources! I grew up in a family of five with my brother, sister and two parents. Today, I am married with one daughter whom I cherish very much. I never knew anyone who had more than four kids in their family growing up except on television. However, the trend seems to be to have more kids through artificial insemination techniques these days.

The advantages to having more kids than one can pay attention to does not seem to pan out for the kids. I feel most kids have been latchkey kids for some time; which seems to be the norm these days. The fact that people are able to have eight kids in single year and not over time; seems to be right in line with the American fast food industry. You can essentially go through the Invitro-clinic drive through; order your designer babies, pay the fee, and watch the buns come out of the oven! The only difference is it still takes 9 months rather than three minutes to get the product. I wonder if we are going to allow the, “Gods of Science,” to shorter the human gestation period too! Hey we just might be able to have your baby in about an hour; one day!

If it sounds like I am less than enthused about multiple births; you are reading my words correctly. Don’t get the wrong idea. I love being a dad and raising my only daughter. I wish these kids the best. I would like to have more kids, but in the most responsible manner possible. I certainly am not an advocate of bringing in kids in the world who have no participating parents one way or another. What happens to non-TV land couples; who have too many kids at once?

Well, I gather these couples split up since they don’t spend any quality time together. They are too busy tending to the eight, fourteen, or eighteen kids! Remember TV land does not show all the tax returns and advertising sponsors that help pay for these kids. Does this sound familiar? Are John and Kate plus Eight having these problems or is it just another ploy for another drawn out divorce episode. Who wins? Do the kids win when parents split? MMMMMM………..

Wikipedia, (2009) Multiple births. Retrieved June 14, 2009,from

Assignment 1-3 Jounal Article Analysis


"Popular Culture and the Economy authored by Don Cusic and Greggory K. Faulk.

Popular culture generates a huge amount of business to the American economy. According to an article titled, “Popular Culture and the Economy by Don Cusic and Gregory K. Faulk, popular culture, good and services contributed five hundred sixty five billion dollars to the U.S. economy (BEA, 2004). This pop culture journal article by Cusic, & Gregory in 2009, summarized all the categories that make up the total consideration of pop culture’s monetary value in terms of GDP in the United States.

The audience for the article may include popular culture enthusiast, business groups, marketing groups and industry conglomerates. These groups have a vested interest in the popular culture economic data the article illustrates. Moreover, the pop culture industry is measured by the United States Department of Commerce-Bureau of Economic Analysis. The data arranged is tabulated by system design named the North American Classification System or (NAICS). The categories are defined as, “Cultural products are those that directly express attitudes, opinions, ideas, values, artistic creativity, provide entertainment or offer information concerning past or present (United States Census Bureau, 2002).” There are several areas in which pop culture may be defined by economic indicators or groups.

First, the BEA places popular culture into the “information economy,” which includes an array of popular culture good and services. The information economy includes cultural products such as arts, entertainment and recreation to include books, poetry, literary works and vintage records. According to the BEA, the information economy’s pop culture products are divided as follows, (1) entities or organization that produce and distribute product, (2) instrument or systems that broadcast or transmit these products and lastly (3) data storage or archival operations (Cusic & Gregory, 2009). These popular culture products are processed in the information economy, which begin in the form of movies, television, online newspapers, book publishers, radio and recorded programming etc. A current BEA report as of 2007 shows these categories to be 4% of the GDP equating total of 622 billion in Information sector; which includes publishing, motion picture, broadcasting, and data processing (Cusic & Gregory, 2009).

Second, the popular culture industry is largely comprised of the arts, entertainment and recreation sectors as the article states. According the United States Census Bureau, this category contributed one hundred eighty billion in year 2004 to the U.S. economy. A current BEA report as of 2007 shows these arts and entertainment categories to be 1% of the GDP equating 140 billion dollars in total. These sectors are broken down into the following categories according to the United States Census Bureau as: (1) entities that promote or produce live shoes or event in public forum, (2) entities that archive, store and display historical, cultural and academic assets, and lastly, management organization that provide public use of parks, recreational areas, and amusement venues (Cusic & Gregory, 2009). The arts and entertainment industry is know by industry names such as G.E, NBC TV, ESPN, ABC, CNBC, CNN, FOX Network and Disney.

Third, the article details the popular culture economy to include the film, broadcasting, and sound recording industry. To begin, the film industry produces and distributes many cultural film products through brand industry names. These industry leaders are known as United Artist, Edwards Theaters, Lowes Cineplex, Sony, Redstone, Carmike, Cinemark etc (Cusic & Gregory, 2009).

Next, is the radio and television broadcasting industry which contributes about 52 billion to the U.S. economy equating to 13% of the information sector popular culture output. These industries that transmit pop culture products are known by names such as, Clear Channel Communication, Citadel Broadcasting, American Family Association and Cumulus Broadcasting (Cusic & Gregory, 2009).

Next, in this group is the sound recording industry which contributes roughly 14 billion dollars t the information sector in popular culture products. These companies are named Sony/BMG, Warner Music Group, Universal Music Group, EMI, Vivendi, and other smaller groups (Cusic & Gregory, 2009).

Fourth, in the information sector’s popular culture economy is comprised of news paper print, periodical, and books publishers. The article provided the industry details as well. The newspaper industries are comprised of $50 billion in industry total (BEA, 2004). Periodical publishes account for $41 billion and book publisher about $27 billion in total (BEA, 2004). Some industry names in newspapers are Boston Globe, The Tribune Company, McClatchy Company, etc. Periodical publishers you may be aware in this sector as published by Hurst are, Good Housekeeping, Esquire, Washington Post, and Newsweek etc. The Time Warner Company publishes People, Sports Illustrated, Fortune, and Entertainment Weekly. Also, Advance Companies publishes The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Conde Naste Traveler, and Parade. Book publishers are large companies like Pearson which own other brand names like, Time Warner, Simon Shuster, Little Brown, CBS and Penguin. Also, to mention are McGraw-Hill companies and John Wiley & Sons who publish educational texts mainly.

Finally, the key idea to note is that the popular culture economy as stated in the article contributes $565 billion or 2.9% of the United States Economy. Compared to current 2008, BEA report, the Information sectors contribute a total of $622 billion dollars with the Arts and Entertainment sector equaling $140 billion dollars which excludes gambling operations. Overall, the popular culture, information economy reflects a large spending and business trend with significant growth potential in the future.


Cusic, D., & Faulk, G. (2009, June). Popular culture and the economy.
Journal of Popular Culture, 42(3), 458-479. Retrieved June 12, 2009,

Bureau of Economic Analysis. (2009) Gross domestic product. Retrieved June 12, 2009 from

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Green Jobs in America for Green Industries Assignment 3-1 June 7, 2009

Green jobs have become a front and center focus of the American economy and the White House. The White House’s agenda for future green jobs has been outlined on a web site directed by Vice President Joe Biden called, “” The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is designed to recover America in many ways but most fruitfully by investing into green industries and supporting businesses that produce green efficient products, and services for the renewable energy sector.

For example, the Unites States, Vice President, Joe Biden speaks of people taking job training in the areas of solar energy. A man named Tom took a two week solar energy course to better prepare himself for a position to build solar power and electric systems. Green jobs training like that of Tom’s is funded by $ 500 million dollars within the American Recover and Investment Act’s budget. The green jobs of tomorrow will require training for areas in renewable energy to include, solar, wind, hydro-electric, geothermal, recycling, housing, automobiles, mass transportation etc. For example, the American Recovery and Reinvestment act (ARRA) goals is to address every state in union in terms of it needs in renewable energy. In Ohio, according to the ARRA; the goal is to double the renewable energy capacity over the next three years to support six million American new homes.

Renewable energy requires that someone build products for the various industries that support the production of renewable energy. A company called Enerdell in Indianapolis is building batteries for electric cars. Unlike the higher union wages of the auto industry the bulk of the jobs pay at $ 12.00 dollars per hour which is competitive to the auto industry which is at $ 14.00 dollars per hours for starting employees. Wages across the globe may continue to stabilize at lower than past rates due to globalizations. One popular opinion regarding globalized wages is, the stage of wages will be set by the country or region that is paying higher wages for the same type of manufacturing work. Once a leader country or region has established the leading higher pay scales; one can assume other regions will begin to adjust their wages and types of products manufactured according to their current and future gross domestic production needs.

However, not everyone is for a bottoming out of wages; just to create a new structure to their gross domestic product budgets or local economy. Such is the case for the Mayor Virg Bernero who vehemently opposes globalization and its effects upon lower wages and unfair trade agreements. Mayor Bernero reportedly sees America industry as leaving this country due to unfair trade agreements with countries like China. A popular opinion is that since we have enacted trade agreements like NAFTA; that we have lost all competitive edge and incentives to manufacture anything in America, so industries once here go to the lowest bidder in countries like China etc. China ends up retaining our jobs and stockpiles wealth leaving America without jobs and much wealth as it once seemed to possess.

In summary, I can see both side of the green jobs push for the short and long term results. The results of our trade agreement have caused American’s manufacturing industries to diminish but much of this was going to happen without some of our trade agreements in time. The reason I say this is because; if you can make a good quality product at a cheaper price; as an owner or stock holder you’re going to do it for better profit margins. However, this will be done at the cost of American domestic jobs and economic activity over time. I feel we are a long ways from a truly green economy, but we have to start somewhere, to remain competitive in the whole globalization environment in which we live. I believe that when the dust settles; a new American economy will emerge properly positioned to compete globally with green jobs and industries that are more suited for long term sustainability; rather than short term gratifications of the few greedy Wall Street billionaires as has been the case. I believe that we must make these changes if we wish to continue to chart our own destiny as a country or we may be following a new global leader without a chance to get back on the proverbial bus in this century.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Assignment 2-1 Weekly Analysis - 'Earth 2100 The Final Century of Civilization

Copyright © 2009 ABC News Internet Ventures

I watched the new show called ‘Earth 2100: The Final Century of Civilization hosted by Bob Woodward last night on ABC news at 9:00 P.M. The story line of the show depicted life for a young girl named Lucy growing up a global crisis. The global events were subtle in Lucy’s life as they lived in a suburban housing subdivision with plenty of comfort food and water at first. Then it became apparent that there was a shortage of water and gasoline in their region so they packed up and moved to an apartment in Miami where there was still food and gas. America’s thirst and appetite to use and consume our natural resources had reached an end. The planet was about to answer our endless appetite to consume and not preserve with, “No more!” by year 2020.

Due to another shortage, gasoline was no longer available. Riots broke out. Weather patterns changed, bird migrated earlier and earlier to areas that were farther north than previous years. Soon the climate had changed with violent wind storms, rising ocean levels and tidal waves formed and came towards all costal town along the major eastern and western seaboards. Major evacuations occurred. People by the millions, were fleeing to shelter to other cities that still had power, water food, shelter and medical care facilities. These migrations caused a strain upon the civilized systems of these newly populated areas. People became restless. Diseases began to fester and show up in millions of people. The diseases were transmitted around the globe to further destroy human life in other countries as well. Massive death occurred and bodies piled up in the streets as plagues and pestillence engulfed plant and human life.

Next, a world governmental summit was called among all nations to put together a survival plan. Upon conclusion, no solutions were met with success by our world’s leaders. Instead, each country chose to covet their resources and began to put up armaments to keep their own people from destroying and pillaging

much need survival rations and medical supplies.  Suddenly, in America all power, internet and communications ceased to exists. This blackout was going to permanent. There were not any people left to govern and no resources to fuel our fossil fuel based power systems and machines. Industry stopped. Productivity stopped. Anarchy raged across America and the rest of the globe as billions of people died due to diseases, famine, in-fighting and civil unrest.

         This depiction of events as told by the story could really happen or it could be averted. The only way our world can avert such a hellish end; is if we as a globe change our entire energy policy and invest into green sources. The globe leadership and people need to invest into more widespread solar, wind, geothermal, hydro-electric and nuclear sources instead of fossil fuel based systems. America like all nations upon the Earth need to invest collectively into the long term environmentally, “go green” policies in order to save our children’s future from a life of poverty, famine, disease, and widespread death.

                In summary, the show was an eye opener as the events depicted were supported by many creditable, scholarly scientist and global leaders. The show presented both realities for mankind. One reality brings the human race from a population of nine billion down to two billion by 2050. The advanced world we knew goes back to living in the dark ages. People have to re-learn how to live of the land and seas.

In contrast, the show depicts a world in which our energy policies were met by World Summit leaders where all agreed to share knowledge and resources to embrace global needs. The world rebuilt its energy grids based upon clean and green guideline and people thrived. People shared transportation and mass transit was perfected across the globe. 

New areas of land to be developed, were only done so, if the infrastructure were environmentally sound and supported the growth plans to start building or renovations. All communities had ample water reclamation faculties with clean and green self sustaining energy sources. Every bit of waste was able to be recycled back into another form of product that was again biodegradable. Life was sustainable on our planet in this scenario for generations to come. People share and protected their stewardship rights of mother Earth and fought together against anything that threatened her or the privileged to take care of her.


ABC News. (June 2, 2009).Earth 2100: the final century of civilization retrieved June 2, 2009 from  id=7697237


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Assignment 2-2 Icon Analysis

Assignment 2-2 Icon Analysis

Three Pop Culture Icons-Character flaws.

Photo Source:


I chose to analyze President William Jefferson Clinton, President George Walker Bush and President Barrack Hussein Obama as my three pop culture icons. I chose these three pop culture icons to illustrate their greatest achievements and their most fatal character flaws. 


       First, when you think of William, "Bill Clinton," I think of a President who ran the country well in a time of budgetary surplus. I like to charcterize the Clinton years as being surrounded by two recessions that began and ended in the Bushes."The United States treasury had money in the bank so to speak. President Clinton's greatest achievements are many, but one character flaw came through during his time as President. I'm sure if you were paying attention in the 90's you heard, "I did not have sex with that woman!" Bill Clinton spoke these words meaning that he did not sleep with Monica Lewinski; a then Whitehouse Intern. I remember a video clip being play over and over for almost two years


Amazingly enough, President Clinton's management of the U.S, government; was not terribly interceded by this Whitehouse affair with Monica Lewinsky. Later it was determined that a blue dress tested positive for the Presidents DNA. Hence the phrase, "Devil in the Blue Dress!" or the, "Devil is in the details!" came to be synonymous with this nationally televised Presidential affair.


Second, remember the election of President George Walker Bush!? How could we forget. President Bush's greatest accomplishment in my view was his handling of the September 11, 2001 event. Who would have thought shortly after taking office while he was speaking to group of elementary students that he would be told that, "America was under attack. "I remember kept his composure and continued to speak to the students until he could make an exit. The day that followed this September 11, 2002 event changed us forever. 

           We as a nation became polarized in niceness and fear since we did not know who attacked us. I remember for about three or four months, the America people seemed to be cautious, yet nicer to one another. Driving down the road people let you merge into your lane without being angry or flipping you the bird. People opened doors and wore a yellow ribbon or other patriotic symbols. We were all glued to the television waiting for the next,"shock," and "awe," images of Bagdad, Iraq being bombed. I remember that constant statements about WMA"S that Saddam Hussein had in his possession were the threat to America. To date, there were not any weapons of mass destruction found by U.N. inspectors to any degree of threat. 

             Then, on May 1, 2003 President Bush gave a speech with a banner hanging over his head stating, "Mission Accomplished!" which was taken to mean we have won the war against Saddam Hussein and the terrorist in Iraq by Americans. A CBS article has President Bush quoted as saying to the assembled audience and the world, "Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country."

           Today, we are still engaged in Iraq but are told that we are moving out of Iraq as an occupier of thei country since the Iraqi government and its military can manage themselves. However, the new front of our extended Iraq war has avalanched into Pakistan and Afghanistan where supposedly, these mysterious terrorist have now found safe havens and protection. 

  So we are off to relocate our troops to these, "New frontier's!","To boldly go where terrorist have gone before!", "To search out new wars and new politics!" To take us there, we have been blessed with the unique leadership found in President Barrack Obama.

          Third, I chose President Barrack Hussein Obama since we have not seen his character flaw as our President. I wish the best for Barrack, the country, his family and the world. President Obama has done an outstanding job of managing our derailed country. Barrack's Republican predecessors have gifted his administration with two wars, a depression, and the chance to not only say, "Yes We Can!," but to actually do it! I hope Barrack's administration can achieve the same surpluses as did Bill Clinton. I know its view as impossible by many but but so has every other recessionor depression. 

       Somehow no matter how much doom and gloom is painted in the media; America has recovered time and time again. Also, no matter what President Obama's future character flaw may be; he will definitely be afforded a liberal amount of forgiveness by his critics, if there be any critics left standing!

  In closing, time tells all. Every human being has their shortcomings. I hope we can all continue to forgive but never forget 9/11, never allow out of control spending, never allow our global responsibilities to be diminished, never to allow huge gaps between rich and poor, millions of uninsured, never allow, never to allow pollution, famine, and disease and greed to run unchecked, never allow corruption to fester in our connected political landscapes and to never allow a blank check to be given an individual, failed corporation or foreign country ever again! 


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Assignment 1-4

Pop Culture of Barack Obama

Image Source: Google Images, 2009)

President Barrack Obama is a pop culture icon. I find President, “Barry,” Obama to be a fascinating person who understands the future needs of mainstream America. I credit Barack Obama and his family for breaking the mold in political stereotypes forever. Upon reading an online biography at,  of President Obama; I am reminded of just how significant he is as pop culture icon. I find President Obama to be a genuine down to earth person, who is in touch with people needs. Barack is also a lawyer with a degree in political science but deserves an honorary master’s degree as a pop culture icon for being such a winning yet non-traditional leader. I believe so many people have a renewed interest in the political process because of by Barrack’s living example; that exclaims anyone can be President of the United States without being a career politician! President Obama’s story is so refreshingly opposite to that of a typical Washington bureaucrat in so many ways.

            First, Barack Obama spent two years in the United States senate prior to running for the office of the president. Once Barrack became the President, all notions that he lacked experience to run the country were null and void. America spoke loudly, as we did not want an experienced politician in the Whitehouse at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., this time round’. I feel that since he did not have extensive experience in Washington politics; this gave him a clear advantage in America’s eyes. I believe a career, “Washington,” politician is somewhat shaped by the business as usual, tired political dogma that was responsible for so many broken promises by our past republican leadership’s base.

            Second, President Obama’s victory has sparked inspiration in America’s youth who contributing largely to his campaign funding and votes. I believe his victory marked a new era in presidential leadership. This new era of presidential leadership in not just one that says, “Yes We Can!” but one that says, “Yes you can be president too!” Yes we can all see that since Barrack became president that anyone can with the right desire and willingness to fight the good fight. The inspiration he has aroused is one that marks a cornerstone in America politics and around the world. Our world leaders have gained a renewed sense in American politics with a leader that does listen to new ideas from across the aisle and the world.

            Third, President Obama has revolutionized how everyday Americans can be involved in the political process of today. The previous Bush administration had a closed forum in accessing our leaders. In other words it seemed you had to be a “Washington insider,” to be heard or to be counted as an important voice. President Obama’s changed how we communicate by creating an open internet dialogue between America and the Whitehouse. He did this by way of various public departmental websites like, “Open Government Initiative,” and daily informative Youtube news videos. I have been communicating with the Whitehouse leaders by emailing my thoughts and views about public policy of foreign relations, taxes, healthcare reforms, agriculture, and business issues. I have received excellent responses. Please visit  to give our leaders your views and opinions of our countries needs.  I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

            Finally, I hope you can add some positive comments about President Obama and what his leadership means to you and for Americas future. I could go on about other popular culture trend he has paved the way for but that’s where you come in by visiting my blog at to post your comments today!


References (2009) In Bio true story. Retrieved May 24, 2009, from